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We recommend running Hubble on an always on server that has Docker installed.


Hubble can be installed in 30 minutes, but a full sync can take up to three hours to complete. You'll need a machine that has:

  • 8 GB of RAM
  • 2 CPU cores or vCPUs
  • 20 GB of free storage
  • A public IP address with ports 2282 - 2285 exposed

See tutorials for instructions on how to set up cloud providers to run Hubble.

You will need RPC endpoints for Ethereum nodes on L1 Mainnet and L1 Goerli. We recommend using a service like Alchemy or Infura.

Installing Hubble

  1. Check out the hub-monorepo locally.
  2. From the root of this folder navigate to apps/hubble
  3. Generate your identity key pair with docker compose.
docker compose run hubble yarn identity create
  1. Create a .env file in apps/hubble with your Ethereum RPC endpoints:
# Set to to your L1 Goerli ETH RPC URL

# Set this to you L1 Mainnet ETH RPC URL
  1. Follow the instructions to set connect to a network.

  2. Start Hubble with docker compose in detached mode:

docker compose up hubble -d

Docker compose will start a Hubble container that exposes ports for networking and writes data to .hub and .rocks directories. Hubble will now sync with the contracts and other hubble instances to download all messages on the network.

Upgrading Hubble

Navigate to apps/hubble in hub-monorepo and run:

git checkout main && git pull
docker compose stop && docker compose up -d --force-recreate --pull always

Running commands

Check the sync status to see how your Hub is doing:

docker compose exec hubble yarn status --watch --insecure

Check the logs to ensure your hub is running successfully:

docker compose logs -f hubble

Open up a shell inside the hubble container by running:

docker compose exec hubble

Monitoring Hubble

You can monitor your Hub by setting up grafana to monitor real time stats

  1. Start grafana and statsd
docker compose up statsd grafana
  1. Enable monitoring on your Hub by setting this in your .env

If you are running hubble from source, you can pass this in as a command line argument

yarn start --statsd-metrics-server
  1. Open Grafana in a browser at The default username/password is admin/admin. You will need to change your password on first login

  2. Go to Settings -> Datasource -> Add new data source and select Graphite. Set the URL to http://statsd:80 and click Save & Test to make sure it is working

  3. Go to Settings -> Dashboard -> Add New -> Import, and in the Import from Panel JSON, paste the contents of the Default Grafana Dashboard


  • If upgrading from a non-docker deployment, make sure .hub and .rocks directories are writable for all users.

  • If upgrading from 1.3.3 or below, please set ETH_MAINNET_RPC_URL=your-ETH-mainnet-RPC-URL (if using docker) or provide the --eth-mainnet-rpc-url flag (if not using docker)

  • If you're changing your Hub from one network to another, you'll need to reset your database with:

docker compose stop && docker compose run --rm hubble yarn dbreset
  • To pull the image yourself, you can run:
# Get the latest image
docker pull farcasterxyz/hubble:latest

# Get a specific release (v1.4.0)
docker pull farcasterxyz/hubble@v1.4.0

Installing from source

You can also build and run Hubble from source.

2.1 Installing Dependencies

First, ensure that the following are installed globally on your machine:

2.2 Build

  • git clone to clone the repo
  • cd hub-monorepo to enter the directory
  • yarn install to install dependencies
  • yarn build to build Hubble and its dependencies
  • yarn test to ensure that the test suite runs correctly

2.3 Running Hubble

To run the Hubble commands, go to the Hubble app (cd apps/hubble) and run the yarn commands.

  1. yarn identity create to create a ID
  2. Follow the instructions to set connect to a network
  3. yarn start --eth-rpc-url <your ETH-RPC-URL> --eth-mainnet-rpc-url <your ETH-mainnet-RPC-URL

2.3 Upgrading Hubble

To upgrade hubble, find the latest release tag and checkout that version and build.

  • git fetch --tags to fetch the latest tags
  • git checkout @farcaster/hubble@<verison> to checkout the specific version. Replace the tag with the version you want to check out.
  • yarn install && yarn build to build Hubble.